Hello. My name is Marie Cheung.

Marie Cheung

I want to help make the world a better place by working with organisations to improve their products and services with evidence-based research and empathy. I believe in empowering teams and organizations to humanize their products.

I enjoy cooking, board games, and outdoors activities. I have helped to organise the Global Service Jam in Glasgow, Leeds and Ghent and CycleHack in Glasgow and Leeds. I am also passionate about living a sustainable lifestyle and provide tips on my blog: kind simple maple.

Previously, I worked at Snook, a Glasgow-based Service Design agency and the Department for Work and Pensions in the UK government, where I worked bring policy and design closer together and to join up services across the department. Mostly recently I worked as a UX & Service Designer for Ingenico ePayments.

View CV

Bachelor of Arts - Design & Media Arts
School of Interactive Arts & Technology and Communication (Joint Major)
Digital and Print Publishing (Minor)
Simon Fraser University, 2008-2014

Exchange Student - Interaction Design
Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden, January-June 2012

What skills do I possess?


Idea Generation
User flows
Public speaking
Film & Photography


Service & UX Design
User Research
Design Strategy
Facilitation (remote too!)
Design Sprints


Adobe Creative Suite

What is Service Design?

"Service Design is a collaborative process which helps to innovate (create new) or improve (existing) services to make them more useful, usable, desirable and efficient for customers as well as effective for clients and their organisations. It is an holistic, multi-disciplinary, integrative field."

– Adapted from Service Design by Stefan Moritz

© Marie Cheung